Monday, May 10, 2010


There are two kinds of people –
A Traveller enjoys the ride, while a driver (at his risk although) enjoys the power of decision-making. The power to decide whether to take this turn or the other (left or right), lies in the hands of the driver. Whatsoever be the decision of the driver has to be followed by the traveller without much of a say. The same logic applies when it comes to the nature of job. It totally depends on our outlook towards life, whether we want to live a life wherein we extend our hand to take the job or to give it.
The aforementioned is the basic difference between EMPLOYMENT and ENTREPRENEURSHIP or to be precise between an EMPLOYEE and an ENTREPRENEUR. Both the entrepreneurs and the employees have their own reasons to stick to their jobs. Those who don’t want to take any risks and want their life to run smoothly, stick to employment while those who want freedom and dare to take risks realise their dream idea to become entrepreneurs. This implies both the groups are happy with their nature of work. Then why am I discussing this topic???
My dear friends, the reality are something else. The larger section of the employee group is a prey to compromise and hence somewhere unhappy. None of us can bet that till now they received absolute freedom to pursue things which they actually wanted or were inclined to. The reason behind this is that there are some set parameters commonly called jobs which demand some specific type of qualities within us in order to achieve them. And we in the rat-race have to mould our behaviour, choices and our skills accordingly. It’s very sad to hear always that there is a lack of jobs. So, why are we sitting back with folded hands and ultimately joining the band wagon of sorry preachers? Why can’t we build our own identity?
Out of the many, the basic shortcoming which I find is lack of knowledge. Only a few education systems, prevalent in India offer entrepreneurship as a subject. Many which do, do not stress adequately upon this area. The biggest drawback with our education system is that their target is to produce EDUCATED JOB-SEEKERS and not EDUCATED JOB GENERATORS CUM PROVIDERS. Post globalisation, the Government of India has subsidised the excise duties for an entrepreneur and also has designed many schemes for their promotion. But again these schemes are unknown to many. Also you need both your hands to clap. As we know, in democracy the Government is of the people, for the people and by the people. Thus, we cannot blame the Government always as we are also accountable for everything happening around.
Today we live in a free state but also in a globalised, liberalised as well as a privatised nation. TATA, when they started were not fortunate like us. It’s the hunger within, which forces you to acquire the quality and quantity of food for yourself. We are in an age where we have maximum energy. But there are a few drawbacks with our generation. Although we dream big, we are not ready to face challenges to make out dreams come true. We want to become SMART WORKERS every time rather than HARD WORKERS. We always look for QUICK-FIXES. But we forget the fact that it take years of hard work and failure to become an over-night millionaire.
Thus it is we who have to take the initiative. Our dreams should be substantial. Only then will the mass follow us and we will become role models for the budding entrepreneurs just like TATAS and BIRLAS.