Saturday, September 26, 2009


Many people see cow dung just as a shit; but there are also many who use them as a good fertilizer. Even use them as an alternative, recyclable and less hamful fuel. This is where the difference lies between SEEING and VISUALIZING. The VISION, that makes our "LIFE-STYLE".
Many of us want to sit back and expect our life to be as sweet as honey. But how many of us dare to extract the honey from the honey comb, by putting our hands between thousand of bee bites? No doubt that honey would seems to be more sweet for those who gets it from the honey comb, than those who gets it served at home, in an adultrated form.
Of course, as a human being, there is always a need of recieving and taking. But, why do we always forget that no one can only receive, for his lifetime without giving.
"असफल और सफल में बस इतना ही अन्तर होता है; असफल खुश रहते हैं अपने आशियाने में, पर सफल के लिए पाने को पूरा आसमान होता है।"
The above lines does not mean that our life should flow like a dam without any check, which washed away the fertility of the soil. But why can't our life be like a kite, soaring high towards the unlimited sky, but grounded on earth through a string which prevents it from being astray.
Why should we only waste out time counting upon our pitfalls? Why not we fill them by our srengths and make our life beautiful?
" Winners recognize their limitations, but focus on their strengths; losers recognize their strengths, but focus on their limitations."
Again i want to raise the very same old topic that "Hard work is the key to success." Success is like the gold. In order to get a little quantity of gold, we hav eto dig tonnes of mud. But when when we dig, we do so in search of gold and not in search of mud.
Nature is supreme. We must mould our habits according to the nature so that we can get the maximum out of it. We must never try to break its law. By doing so we might harm ourselves.
“A Zoology teacher was demonstrating how a caterpillar comes out of its pupa and turns into a beautiful butterfly. Advising not to help the caterpillar out of its pupa, he went out of the class for a while. While everyone followed the advice of the teacher, a boy showed sympathy towards the caterpillar who was struggling in pain to come out of the pupa and helped it to come out. But as soon as it came out it failed to survive and died." Everyone was amazed to see this and were trying to tickle up their minds to know what might have happened. The teacher returned and explained that by helping the caterpillar out, the boy actually helped it to die. It is the struggle which makes it to get acquainted to the new environment. If one can overcome that struggle, then not only he/she can succeed in life but can make it as beautiful as a butterfly
Loosers always look for quick fixes. There are two ways to get rid of the the pests. One by short cut and another the long way out. One way to to get rid of it is by using a grass-cutter. Yhis will make the garden look good temperorly. But soon the pest will grow up. Another way is to sit down and take all the pain to dig out the pest along with its roots. This is the time takin process, but you get rid of pests foreever. So we must find permanent solutions for temperory problems; and not termperory solutions for the permanent problems.
We must have a positive approach towards our life and our lifestyle will itself become positive. Failures are a part of life and not the art of life. We must mot sit back after failing, as there are always new things to learn from our failures. This is only the positive LIFE-STYLE -- the Style of Living.
" God, even if I fall, make me land up on my back so that my eyes can see the endless sky, and not the ground. This will remind me that there is still infinite to achieve and thus will motivate me to stand up."

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