Saturday, September 26, 2009


“A Zoology teacher was demonstrating how a caterpillar comes out of its pupa and turns into a beautiful butterfly. Advising not to help the caterpillar out of its pupa, he went out of the class for a while. While everyone followed the advice of the teacher, a boy showed sympathy towards the caterpillar who was struggling in pain to come out of the pupa and helped it to come out. But as soon as it came out it failed to survive and died. Everyone was amazed to see this and were trying to tickle up their minds to know what might have happened. The teacher returned and explained that by helping the caterpillar out, the boy actually helped it to die. It is the struggle which makes it to get acquainted to the new environment. If one can overcome that struggle, then not only he/she can succeed in life but can make it as beautiful as a butterfly.”
Suffering is not only a part of life, but an essential component to make one “LEARN LIFE.” It not only makes us strong to face similar difficulties in future but also adds more to our experiences. So we must find “permanent solutions for temporary problems; and not temporary solutions for the permanent problems.”


  1. could hav elaboreted a bit more on this topic...u hav a lot more which can be written.
    try to relate ur readers with ur personal experiences.nd stop using this's already there in one more article that u hav written.broaden ur views nd thoughts nd also diversify in terms of topic selection.
    keep going!

  2. Great story! Will use it to illustrate a talk I am doing for inmates in QC Jail. We have a ministry there and I know a lot of them have lost hope as they have been in jail for years and they have not even been sentenced yet. Our justice system is so slow!
