Tuesday, December 1, 2009

कोई तो मिले ऐसी.

कोई तो मिले ऐसी
जो सपना न हो, पर हो सपनो से भी हसीं।
जिसे देखूं तो ऐसा लगे,
मनो दिल में बज उठे प्रेम की बंसी।
कोई तो मिले ऐसी॥

होटों पे लिए फूलों के रंग,
गालों पे सूरज की लालिमा,
जिसके चेहरे की चाँदनी को देख
चाँद भी रह जाए दांग,
जिसकी न हो कोई भी उपमा।
हो वह हसीं में सबसे हसीं,
कोई तो मिले ऐसी॥

क्या बताऊँ मैं, कि हो वह कैसी,
पर हो इतना जरूर यकीन ;
उसकी एक मुस्कान पर,
न्योछावर हो दुनिया की सारी खुसी ।
कोई तो मिले ऐसी ॥

न हो वह कोई कोहिनूर,
या किसी जन्नत कि हूर ,
चाहे न हो वह सबसे मशहूर ;
पर हो वह इश्वर का सबसे नायात आविष्कार।
जिससे पहली ही नज़र में उसकी सुन्दरता से नही,
मुझे हो जाए उससे ही प्यार।
और क्या बयां करूँ कि हो वह कैसी ?
कोई तो मिले ऐसी॥

कोई तो मिले ऐसी,
जिसकी छवि है मेरे मन में बसी।
हो वह सभी कलाकारों के ख्यालों से परे।
जिसकी तस्वीर न बना पाये कोई,
न कोई उसपे कवीता लिख सके।
जिसकी छवि को कोई अपने जिस्मो जहन में उतार सके।
मुझे तो एक साथी चाहिए वैसी,
कोई तो मिले ऐसी॥

शायर की शायरी नही,
किसी की गजल नही,
कवि की कल्पना नही,
कलाकार की कला नही,
उसकी तो हर एक बात हो अलग ही;
मुझे तो चाहिए बस वही;
कोई तो मिले ऐसी,
कोई तो मिले ऐसी॥
कोई तो मिले ऐसी...
-- विकास कुमार सिंह

Thursday, November 26, 2009




  1. -- Murdering 5 including Amar Singh Tandole.

  2. -- Taxi blast at Ville Parle in which 2 died and 3 were injured.

  3. -- Firing at C.S.T. in which 52 died and 109 injured.

  4. -- Firing inside Kama Hospital in which 7 died and 10 injured.

  5. -- Firing outside Kama Hospital which killed A.T.S. chief, Hemant Karkare, Vijay Salsakar and Ashok Kamte.

  6. -- Apart from above mentioned, stealing a Skoda from Marine Drive.

  7. -- Case of killing Tukaram Omble at Girgaon Chaupati.

  1. Conspiracy of firing at Leopold. This incident was accompalished by Abu Shoaib and Abu Umar in which 11 innocents were killed.

  2. He participated in the firing at Taj which killed 36 and left 26 injured.

  3. Terrorist activity at Nariman House was executed by Abu Umar and Babar Ibrahim. 9 were killed here.

  4. Kasab made the master plan of attacking Hotel Oberoi (Trident). 35 were killed here and 2 injured. Oberoi attack was carried out by Fahadullah and Abdul Rahman Chota.

  5. Along with these he is indicted for Majhgaon taxi blast which killed 3 and injured 9."

--- courtesy "Raj Express".

No, I haven't given these data to highlight the pitfalls of our Judicial System and Government, because I am not at all in a position to raise my fingers at them.

So what is my motive?

To stir emotions in the aftermath of 26/11 ???

No, not at all... Because again we can't just imagine(and that too, upto what extent?), the experience of those people who have lost their dear ones on 26/11.

I know that no justice, no law can bring back the dead. But still, few questions comes to mind...

Q1. So many welfare groups are there in India, such as Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, etc., who carry out inhuman activities of beating and torturing those whom they consider to break the "Law of Indian Culture". Can't they extend their "well-meaning interference" and pressurize government to expedite Kasab's hearing? Doesn't this fall in the purview of breaking the "Indian Culture"?

Q2. What about the "Fast-Track Courts"? A-year after 26/11, we are still waiting for a verdict on the case and that too when we have all concrete proofs to convict Azmal?

Q3. Video of Azmal Kasab firing at innocents, so many eye witnesses as proofs etc... Are these not enough to bring him to book?

Let me remind once again that I am not raising questions against the judiciary of the Biggest and the Strongest Democracy of the world. If the delay in the verdict of this case is the need of the hour, then its fine, but if it is influnced by the politics, then it is unfortunate.

But do we really need more proofs to convict Azmal? Who will decide whether his terrorist activities were of International Standards or not???

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


“Nature and signature doesn’t change easily.”
-- Oriental saying.

Today even your contact (mobile) number will not change. Yes, it will remain the same till you want; it doesn’t matter which telecom service you are using.

Earlier, if you were dissatisfied it was very difficult to change your telecom service. The reason being, if you change your service your number changes and a lengthy process starts all over again i.e. to inform all those people who had your earlier number, by a way of messages, e-mail, calls, etc. This not only irritates us, but sometimes causes a difficulty to all our friends, colleagues, family etc.
This joint step of the telecom operators, allows us to keep our mobile number same even if we switch between any of the services. If the rates are nominal it’ll be a bonus for all the users. And if it’s for free, it becomes a win-win situation for us. Overall it’s awaited by everyone that this implementation should happen as soon as possible.


A slap on a reporter's face or misbehaviour with him or her and the entire crew of reporters of all media houses start haunting for justice. Even raise question against the Democracy. The
"FOURTH ESTATE" of the nation even demand for justice against their right to freedom and expression. It is very bad to see that everyone here is only concerned with their rights. Even media joins in this line, inspite of setting example of which it is meant for.


Are we not aware that according to "Official Secrets Act 1923", any report which is not presented before the parliament shall not be announced in media for the citizens. Then why do we forget about this and only remember about our freedoms authorized to us in Aricle 19(1).
Yes, my dear friends I am talking about the leakage of the "LIBERHAN REPORT" by an English newspaper before it is yet to be presented in the parliament. The circulation of such newspapers and likely channels' T.R.P. may shoot hights but where has out moral objectives gone? Did we study this only in our curriculum before joining the industry. My question is that without such frauds can't we earn out bread and butter and even after these acts, did we become "Bill Gates"?

Does our democracy only guarantee rights? or are we only concerned about rights overlooking our duties? "We must not forget that our freedom to move our arms ends where other's nose starts".

"Is this Democracy???
This is Democracy !!!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009


John: Hey Sanju! Sky is so clear, then why are you carrying this umbrella with you.
Sanju: I just saw the weather forecast in the news. According to it, it will rain today.
John: Oh! Wait then, I am also bringing one for myself.

This is an example of sure impact of media in our life. “If it’s written in the newspaper, it has to be true and nothing else”, such is the faith enjoyed by media. Thus media can be, as it has been since past, the most impacutous tool in INFOTAINMENT (information + entertainment). Yes today we don’t see media, in any of its form (electronic, print or web), only for entertainment but follow them for information and education as well. Today maximum of project work is done with the help of the net. It’s absolutely true that we cannot complete any of our projects without its help.
With such kind of credit enjoyed by media, comes responsibilities over their shoulders too – the responsibility of imparting the truth and not just the T.R.P. (Television Rating Point), shooting materials.

Being the fourth estate of the nation, media has all the qualities to become the most effective tool for education in India.

Friday, October 9, 2009


“Where the vision is one year, cultivate flowers;
Where the vision is ten years, cultivate trees;
Where the vision is eternity, cultivate people.”
-- Oriental Saying.
A lot have already been advised about keeping the surroundings clean, but very less have been talked about how to do so. A practical example is in front of us, but I am really afraid as how many of us are really aware of that. It’s an example of Saurav Ganguly’s life. On his every birthday he plants a tree and sees to it that it grows at least up to that age from where it can take care of itself. Not only this, he has made this deed a practice for his family members too.
It totally depends on what kind of vision we have. Do we only make blue prints in our minds or only on paper or only give lectures of keeping the surroundings clean? Or we really let the world know about how to achieve our goals? Every one of us knows that keeping our surroundings clean helps us in lot many ways but we remain in a dilemma as how to do so and carry on. It is very much necessary for the eminent public figures; those who are educated and knowledgeable, to put their effective foots forward regarding this issue and let us know how to do it. Like this they can cultivate the LIKE PEOPLE from the society who can pass on this culture and make this world a clean and green planet once again.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
-- M.K. Gandhi.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Once upon a time a farmer had a hen which used to lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer used to sell those eggs and was gradually becoming rich. In greed of becoming rich at once he thought – why not tear open the hen and take out all the golden eggs and sell them all together? So he killed the hen, and discovered nothing from its stomach. He felt very sorry for this misdeed but it was too late by then. His greed made him lose both the hen as well as the eggs which it used to lay everyday.”
Many might argue upon the truth of the story but the essence of the story is absolutely true and can be seen in our day to day life. Man is a SOCIAL ANIMAL and has many DESIRES – desire of name and fame, desire of wealth, desire of good life partner, etc. But all these desire changes into greed once we adopt the wrong path to achieve them and harm others. Too much of greed like that of the farmer absolutely breeds evils, like in him.
How many of us don’t demand extra pocket money from our parents in the name of various false projects? Is this not our greed which forces us to do such evil acts? Many of us even take loans and even steal things to fulfill our greed.
We must follow our desires, but adopt the right path to achieve it and must not only find the QUICK FIXES to achieve them.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Many people see cow dung just as a shit; but there are also many who use them as a good fertilizer. Even use them as an alternative, recyclable and less hamful fuel. This is where the difference lies between SEEING and VISUALIZING. The VISION, that makes our "LIFE-STYLE".
Many of us want to sit back and expect our life to be as sweet as honey. But how many of us dare to extract the honey from the honey comb, by putting our hands between thousand of bee bites? No doubt that honey would seems to be more sweet for those who gets it from the honey comb, than those who gets it served at home, in an adultrated form.
Of course, as a human being, there is always a need of recieving and taking. But, why do we always forget that no one can only receive, for his lifetime without giving.
"असफल और सफल में बस इतना ही अन्तर होता है; असफल खुश रहते हैं अपने आशियाने में, पर सफल के लिए पाने को पूरा आसमान होता है।"
The above lines does not mean that our life should flow like a dam without any check, which washed away the fertility of the soil. But why can't our life be like a kite, soaring high towards the unlimited sky, but grounded on earth through a string which prevents it from being astray.
Why should we only waste out time counting upon our pitfalls? Why not we fill them by our srengths and make our life beautiful?
" Winners recognize their limitations, but focus on their strengths; losers recognize their strengths, but focus on their limitations."
Again i want to raise the very same old topic that "Hard work is the key to success." Success is like the gold. In order to get a little quantity of gold, we hav eto dig tonnes of mud. But when when we dig, we do so in search of gold and not in search of mud.
Nature is supreme. We must mould our habits according to the nature so that we can get the maximum out of it. We must never try to break its law. By doing so we might harm ourselves.
“A Zoology teacher was demonstrating how a caterpillar comes out of its pupa and turns into a beautiful butterfly. Advising not to help the caterpillar out of its pupa, he went out of the class for a while. While everyone followed the advice of the teacher, a boy showed sympathy towards the caterpillar who was struggling in pain to come out of the pupa and helped it to come out. But as soon as it came out it failed to survive and died." Everyone was amazed to see this and were trying to tickle up their minds to know what might have happened. The teacher returned and explained that by helping the caterpillar out, the boy actually helped it to die. It is the struggle which makes it to get acquainted to the new environment. If one can overcome that struggle, then not only he/she can succeed in life but can make it as beautiful as a butterfly
Loosers always look for quick fixes. There are two ways to get rid of the the pests. One by short cut and another the long way out. One way to to get rid of it is by using a grass-cutter. Yhis will make the garden look good temperorly. But soon the pest will grow up. Another way is to sit down and take all the pain to dig out the pest along with its roots. This is the time takin process, but you get rid of pests foreever. So we must find permanent solutions for temperory problems; and not termperory solutions for the permanent problems.
We must have a positive approach towards our life and our lifestyle will itself become positive. Failures are a part of life and not the art of life. We must mot sit back after failing, as there are always new things to learn from our failures. This is only the positive LIFE-STYLE -- the Style of Living.
" God, even if I fall, make me land up on my back so that my eyes can see the endless sky, and not the ground. This will remind me that there is still infinite to achieve and thus will motivate me to stand up."


“A Zoology teacher was demonstrating how a caterpillar comes out of its pupa and turns into a beautiful butterfly. Advising not to help the caterpillar out of its pupa, he went out of the class for a while. While everyone followed the advice of the teacher, a boy showed sympathy towards the caterpillar who was struggling in pain to come out of the pupa and helped it to come out. But as soon as it came out it failed to survive and died. Everyone was amazed to see this and were trying to tickle up their minds to know what might have happened. The teacher returned and explained that by helping the caterpillar out, the boy actually helped it to die. It is the struggle which makes it to get acquainted to the new environment. If one can overcome that struggle, then not only he/she can succeed in life but can make it as beautiful as a butterfly.”
Suffering is not only a part of life, but an essential component to make one “LEARN LIFE.” It not only makes us strong to face similar difficulties in future but also adds more to our experiences. So we must find “permanent solutions for temporary problems; and not temporary solutions for the permanent problems.”